Selling February 15, 2024

Sell Your House Quicker

5 Tips to Sell Your House Quicker

Don’t leave the sale of your home up to chance. These five tips are just a few of the things you should do to sell your house and sell it quicker.

Clean and declutter.

When you make your home a little less personal, it is easier for prospective buyers to imagine putting their own unique touches on it. Clear any knick knacks from your surfaces and make sure counters, curtains, windows and floors are nice and clean. If possible, consider removing some furniture in order to make your spaces look larger. Consider hiring a professional house stager to come in and rearrange your interiors or swap in new furnishings to showcase your house to best effect.

Take care of any minor home improvement jobs.

Before selling is a great time to take care of a leaky faucet or a crack in the drywall you’ve been meaning to fix. Buyers may be be deterred by anything in need of repair, no matter how minor it may seem. Likewise, a fresh coat of paint goes a long way toward brightening your interiors. If you decide to spruce up paint, stick with neutral colors, allowing potential buyers to envision adding their own flair to ​​​​​​​each space.

Invest in a professional photographer.

First impressions are important, and buyers will most likely see your home online first. Professional photography, videos and even a 3-D tour will display your house in the best possible light. ERA First Advantage Realty strongly believe that professional photos play a strong role in selling a home. Buyers want to see your property from every angle, and too few pictures may leave them wondering what isn’t being shown and why it isn’t.

Set an appropriate price. 

This is one of the most important parts of a home selling rather than sitting on the market. You need to choose a price that is reasonable, while also inviting competition among prospective buyers. Pricing your property at fair market value, from the start, will generate the most activity from real estate agents and home buyers. The price must attract enough attention to result in showings and offers. Studies show that if you price your home at true market value, the property will appeal to 95% of buyers. However, if your price is 15% over market value, the property will only appeal to 20% of buyers. 

Hire an experienced real estate agent. 

If you choose to follow just one tip on the list, then follow this one. ​​​​​​​A seasoned real estate professional can help you with everything mentioned above, including house staging, photography and an extensive list of recommended housing professionals to work with through the whole transaction. Our knowledgeable agents know the current market well and will help you make an informed decision on how to price your house, in order to maximize your potential profit. Connect with a local ERA agent today!